Housing in Every Age



At the book launch, Heinz Gutscher (Professor Emeritus of Social Psychology) and Bob Gysin (Founder and Chairman of the Board BGP Architekten) talk about "Housing in Every Age".

Architecture for the elderly essentially corresponds to a non-discriminatory and sustainable architecture, which should be just as varied and differentiated as in any other stage of life.

Therefore, the task is to enable "housing in every age" instead of "housing in old age". The new publication by Bob Gysin Partner (BGP) covers a variety of housing options - from the urban hybrid, through retirement settlements with services, to care facilities. Practical examples show how to plan and design with today's norms and standards - energetic, operational and aesthetic.

Between the projects, texts supplement what has been shown. Written by Prof. François Höpflinger (Professor Emeritus of the University of Zurich), Sibylle Omlin (former Director of the École Cantonale d'Art du Valais, Sierre) and BGP, they are dealing with the changing age, architecture and art and construction.

admission free

Wed. 14.11.2018, 6.30 pm, Buchsalon, KOSMOS

Order book via email: bestellungen@bgp.ch

Publication page BGP
Event page