Energy Aperetif of both Basel

In the past, buildings were mainly designed for cold winter months, and longer periods of heat were less expected. As a result, a large proportion of existing buildings today are inadequately prepared for prolonged hot days. How can existing buildings be better protected against heat? What should new buildings focus on? If there is no other option, how can mechanical cooling be retrofitted? 

With a talk by Sebastian El Khouli: “Climate-friendly construction: The building as an overall system”

  • Heat as a design factor: What does this imply for renovations and new buildings? 
  • The building and its surroundings –  interactions between urban space and building structures 
  • The building as a system – interaction of building structure, construction, building envelope and operation 

Date: Wednesday, 12.06.2024
Time: 17.00-18.30 with aperitif afterwards
Bau- und Verkehrsdepartement, Dufourstrasse 40, 4051 Basel

Registration until 04.06.2024
Participation is free of charge.

Complete programme

Event organisation
Energiefachstellen der Kantone Basel-Landschaft und Basel-Stadt

Institut Nachhaltigkeit und Energie am Bau, Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW